Please post a response if you remember where that title came from!! LOL, I won't tell our ages!
That title is so appropriate for my life the past few weeks, sometimes I think for the last few months!!! It seems like just about the time I get one thing going right, two more decide to go wrong!!! So, you know what I did? I just quit trying to make things right. Yep, sure did!!! I gave it to God to take care of for me! I have full faith in my savior to handle anything that this evil world and/or satan can send my way!!!
My most recent ailments have included a couple more procedures on my back, low back with very little pain relief. In fact, the last one, two weeks ago, I thought I was going paralyzed in my left leg!! I think maybe the Doc might have grazed a nerve or something. It is better now, but not 100% yet. As if that wasn't enough to aggravate someone, well my computer decided to go on a vacation. It didn't actually leave, it just decided it wanted some new parts!! So, I am presently on a borrowed computer just to be able to try to catch up with some things!! Over 200+ emails takes just a little bit of time to go through!! Fortunately, most of them were from Stampin Connection, so I could follow them pretty easy.
I am in the process of changing my email address from a "high speed internet service" NOT, to my verizon wireless. So, I have to keep a check on the old email address and probably spend a good portion of the later part of this week emailing those that send me things to that address, and I actually want to hear from, my new address!!
Not only is my computer getting some new parts, it's apparently a pretty decent job that it has to have done! A new motherboard, new harddrive, and a new electrical adapter! Not many parts left in there!! So, I am pretty close to having a new computer!! And I had just put my Stampin' Up! Decor decal on the top of it too!! I know one technician that better not scratch it!! LOL
I had promised you all some cards this week. Well, as I'm sure you have figured out, that didn't happen. I have a couple made and I hope to get a chance to photo them and get them ready so I can upload them as soon as my computer is back up and going. ALSO, and this is a REAL biggy, I discovered that my external hard drive, that I have ALL of my pictures saved to, is fried!! YEP, that's what I said!! I don't know why, but I know something isn't right because when I plug it in, you can smell wires burning or something like that. I have a friend that I am going to see if maybe he can pull the pictures off of it. If not, I don't know what I will do. I can't afford to pay someone to do that right now! Every spare dime I come up with goes right back into my business!! And there haven't been too many spares lately!! I don't know what a pro would charge to do this for me, but I bet it is way more than a case of beer!!! LOL Gotta love them Texas boys! They will do practically ANYTHING for a case of beer!
Just in case I don't get to get any additional cards made and photo'd this week, I will probably put up some layouts that I have done in the past and hopefully you will enjoy looking at them. Actually, I think I WILL get in there and make some simple cards.
I also want to make plans for a couple of swaps that I want to host. I hope to have a very high participation!! As well as, I am pulling ideas together for a church craft day, which will lead up to, in a few months, a bazarre or something of that sort. A good old fashioned one!! Cake walk, fishing over a sheet for a five cent toy! And folks selling all their handiwork! I'm waiting now to find out about who is going to be on the committee that will set rules and rates for our new Family Life Center, so I'm thinking that is going to be a mighty fine place to hold it!!! LOL My hope is to bring together women, and men, of very different talents and show them that we all actually have something in common, a love for a beautiful, handmade item!!
I am also in the planning stages of a stamp/scrap club. I don't know if this is going to work well in the area that I live in, but I'm going to give it a good try!! I am also planning to try to reach the girl scout troops from this area and set some kind of craft class up with them!
Well, as you can see, I don't have a lot of positives working for me right now, so I would surely appreciate your prayers!!
I promise to get some pics up, as soon as I am back on my own computer!!!
Until next time ladies!!
Happy Stampin'!